How Long Does Fabric Paint Last
Fabric paints are paints specifically designed for textiles. This paint is commonly used in custom craft projects and on a larger scale for applying patterns and decorations to fabrics. This substance can be worked with in a similar way to normal paint. Most craft stores have various fabric paints for various materials and styles.
The majority of companies sell fabric paint in tubes. Paint can be squeezed onto a tray or palette to be worked with or used directly from the tube. Some pens can be used to draw directly on fabric. Fabric spray painting has also become a popular hobby. Several companies produce fabric paint. Craftsmen can paint freehand, with a stencil or by drawing a pattern on the fabric, then painting over it. Brushes, sponges and rollers are available to create the desired look and design.
How long does fabric paint last?
The paint’s application, timing and intent will determine how long it lasts.
Fabric paint is technically permanent, as it’s not meant to run. The artwork will destroy if you wash the fabric. It could also discolour other items in the washing machine.
Fabric paint bonds are extremely durable if they are applied correctly. Fabric paint is usually acrylic with fabric medium. While in its liquid state, acrylic paint is only soluble in water.
Acrylic paint forms an inseparable bond when it dries. Fabric paint is suitable because it cannot be dissolved in water.
The “permanence”, however, will eventually wear out. Fabric paint can last for up to five years. It could even last longer, depending on the care you give your fabric.
Peeling is inevitable if the fabric is washed regularly.
Here’s good news for those concerned about accidental spills causing stains on your clothing. Fabric paint can be washed out while still wet as long as the paint is water-based.
Does Fabric Paint Wash Off?
Depending on the brand, some fabric paints are permanent and won’t wash off. Other brands offer a range of semi-permanent or temporary solutions which can be easily removed in a standard wash cycle.
Before you try it yourself, check with the manufacturer to see if your type will come out.
You should also consider the length of time you intend to leave your design/painting. Certain types can fade faster than others when exposed directly to sunlight or other elements.
If you’re looking for longevity, then it is best to use a permanent solution. If you’re looking for something temporary and fun, try semi-permanent washes. Just make sure to check with the manufacturer before.
How to Prevent Fabric Paint from Washing Off?
It’s always fun to paint designs on fabric, but it can be disappointing when you wash the garment and see all the colors run. Fabric paint can cause this if it is not used properly.
To avoid costly and time-consuming mistakes, you must follow the instructions.
We do not just mean the setting. Your fabric paint may wash off due to a mistake when selecting the paint.
Follow these steps to set your fabric paint permanently.
Step 1: Select a suitable fabric
Not all fabrics paint well.
Natural fabrics such as cotton, linen and silk outperform their synthetic counterparts. They are more receptive to paint, produce better results in color saturation, and have a stronger bond.
Step 2: Use Quality Fabric Paint
Do not grab the first paint you see. Specialty paints exist for a purpose.
Fabric paint has a formula specially designed for fabric adhesion. Regular paints do not have this.
It is flexible, unlike regular paints. This allows for improved wearability and comfort after painting. It also doesn’t fade or bleed when exposed to UV light.
If you use spray paint or paint markers, make sure the paint is labelled fabric paint. To get the best results, choose a high-quality brand.
Check the fabric compatibility with the paint brand.
Step 3: Prepare the Fabric
It is best to start by cleaning the fabric. Pre Washing is necessary even if you bought the fabric or clothing in the store.
Starch, conditioners, and other chemical treatments line new textiles. If not removed before painting, these substances can hinder the adhesion of paint.
To avoid this, it is important to rinse and clean the fabric thoroughly.
Water tends to shrink some materials so that you can paint the final size on your fabric after washing. If the fabric shrinks after painting, the paint can lift or crack.
Iron the fabric to get a smooth, crease-free surface. Otherwise, fabrics like denim don’t need pressing.
Remember to place barriers between the layers. Use cardboard pieces. This prevents the color from transferring to the next layer.
Step 4: Apply thin coats
The texture of the fabric is slightly rougher than that of paper or canvas.
You want to lightly dampen the fabric before painting after drawing your design. The paint will penetrate better into the fabric if you dampen it lightly.
Do not dilute the paint further. Use thin, light layers of fabric paint. The more paint you apply, the greater the chance of it getting cracked or damaged.
Step 5: Allow Ample Time for Drying
Drying painted fabric is not subject to any specific rules. But patience is key. You’re excited to put on that denim jacket and dress up your throw pillows. If the paint is not completely dry, a simple brushing action could ruin it.
Allow the fabric paint at least 24 hours to dry. If you’re experiencing humid or cool conditions, it may take longer to dry.
Step 6: Set the Fabric Paint
After drying, the final step is to set the paint. There are several ways to permanently set fabric paint with heat.
First, press down on the area that has been painted. But not directly. Use a hot iron to press the inside of the clothing out or the other side of the fabric.
You can blow hot air on the paint if you are unable to flip the fabric. This is useful if, for example, the bag or shoes that you have made are fabric.
Use a hairdryer or a heat gun. You can use a hairdryer or heat gun. Plug it in and hold it about two inches from the fabric. Hover around the paint area for a few minutes. Both pressing and blowing hot steam work.
Read the instructions carefully before you begin, as they may differ from one fabric paint brand to another. Use these guidelines if no setting guidelines are provided.
How to Make Acrylic Paint Stick on Fabric?
Fabric paint can crack and fade, leaving the painted surface worse.
Follow these guidelines to keep your paint in good condition.
Waiting before washing – Do not wash anything you have painted for at least 72 hours.
It allows the paint time to settle into the fabric and dry fully. You could damage the paint by putting it in the washer or applying a fabric cleanser too soon.
Heat it to Set the Paint. Most fabric paints need to be heated to fully dry.
Use a hairdryer to heat the paint to help it adhere permanently. Hold the hairdryer a few feet away from the paint to heat the paint but not cause it to run.
You can wait several hours to dry the paint completely if you are worried about it running.
Set fabric paint using an iron – Once you are sure the paint is dry, use a clothes iron to set it.
Use the appropriate setting for the material you have painted, and run the iron on any painted areas for around 5 minutes.
Use a pressing fabric between the painted material and your iron to be safe. The iron can sometimes catch on a ridge of paint, chipping it or creating an unsightly crease.
Wash it correctly. By correctly washing your fabric paint, you can help to keep it solid and prevent cracks.
Water-soluble fabric paints can be washed away by washing them in a machine or using a hose. When people want their fabric paint to last as long as possible, they use permanent paint that isn’t water-soluble.
You can hand wash items with paint on them if you are worried about cracking or peeling. Use warm water to wash the items if you put them in the washing machine. This will make the cycle a little more gentle.
The Setting is Everything
If you set it up correctly, fabric paint will wash through and withstand any fabric cleaner spray.
Give it time to dry. Purchase fabric paints that will not crack when you put a tee shirt in the dryer or if you spill water on your painted chair.
The things you paint will last for many years, even if they don’t last forever. You can try different brands of fabric paints until you find one that suits you.
How can you make fabric paint dry faster?
Here are some helpful tips:
- Following the care instructions, wash and air dry fabric and clothing such as T-shirts before applying fabric colors. Many fabrics are treated with sizing or chemicals that make them look smooth, soft, and wrinkle-free. Washing will remove these chemicals, allowing the paint to adhere and absorb better. If you want to know more about acrylic paint removal then read this post.
- Place a corrugated sheet beneath the fabric where you intend to paint to prevent bleeding. Place the cardboard within the object you are painting, such as a shirt or skirt, to prevent paint from leaking.
- The painted item can be dried in a sunny area outdoors or by a window indoors where the sunbeams will hit it. The sun’s heat will help dry the paint quicker.
- When working in a cloudy environment, you can heat the area that has been painted after it’s dried for a while. Choose low heat and point the hairdryer at the fabric. Hold it about 1 to 2 feet away from the fabric and move the hairdryer back and forth slowly. Avoid using high heat or holding it too close, as you may ruin your project by overheating the fabric or paint.
- If you must dry fabric inside, choose the driest area in your house. Place the project in a room with air conditioning or a dehumidifier if the weather is humid.
- Heat Set the paint by pressing with an iron at medium heat, without steam, after you have made sure the paint has dried completely. Iron puffy fabric paint and synthetic fabrics that are not intended to be ironed. You can also heat set fabric with a dryer: tumble dry the item on high heat for 30 minutes.
Will fabric paint dry on plastic and glass?
Plastic and glass surfaces are different from wood, paper and other surfaces. Before painting, you would have to clean the glass and plastic surfaces. After you have finished painting, seal the paint to prevent it from flaking or chipping.
Fabric paint is often just acrylic paint mixed with a medium. Other brands of fabric will be easier than this paint option.
Be sure to get the right fabric and paint for each surface you intend to paint. Some paints only work with cotton fabrics. Modern technology is constantly improving, including fabric paint.
Fabric paint is not as widely available as regular acrylic paint. This is why some people mix a medium with the paint. Before painting, wash and dry the clothing or fabrics. Clean fibers will accept paint and adhere to them better.
Frequently Asked Questions
How can I set fabric paints?
Each fabric paint brand will have different instructions for setting it. We recommend ironing the design for 3 to 5 minutes over baking paper or a thin cloth to set the design. After ironing, turn your garment inside-out on the first wash.
How long does fabric paint last?
The life of fabric paint depends on its brand and how it is stored when not used. For most brands, the paint will last up to five years or even longer if the paint has been sealed from oxygen and kept away from heat and sunlight.
Does fabric spray paint have a long-lasting effect?
After 3 days, the spray dye will be permanent. You must allow it to dry longer if it is humid or raining. Rub it down with a soft cloth to remove excess paint. The paint will remain permanent after that and won’t transfer onto clothing.

Being associated with art and craft field since decades as a hobbyist and life long learner has given me an opportunity to learn many new things related to art, craft, paints and pottery which i am trying to share with your guys on this website. I have expertise of being professional painter and potter for the last 20+ years
I have learned mind blowing cool tips and insights which makes me a person with ability to improvise and come up with creative ideas and solutions to make stunning and impeccable art pieces of all types which are adored by people across the globe on this website and other platform.