can you use acrylic paint on wood

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Acrylic paint is possible the most well known paint type for various arts and crafts projects. You might know about such innovative tasks on material and other workmanship painting surfaces where acrylic paint can be used. It is all your creativity on how to use acrylic paint. However could you at any point utilize acrylic paint on wood?

Wood will in general have an even regular surface ideal for an extensive variety of painting projects. Yet, the utilization of acrylic paint on wood and family furniture might be extraordinary to the vast majority. Things being what they are, could you at any point utilize acrylic paint on wood?

Do you know that acrylic paints are restrictive to materials for painting? Nonetheless, actually acrylic paint can be utilized on a huge number of surfaces; this incorporates paper, metal, leather, fabrics, etc. Because of acrylic paint having the option to stick to any non-shining surface, wood is an ideal contender for a new coat.


Because, wood has a rough surface, it is the ideal choice for painting and trying your hand at DIY painting on wood.  , and in addition to the fact that it is a practical choice, yet it is likewise simple to apply.

Does Acrylic Paint Work on Wood?

Acrylic paint is a fast drying and non-harmful item because of it being a water-based ingredients that comprises of colors that have been spread through an acrylic polymer emulsion. This paint is likewise simple to clean, and everything necessary is some foamy water. A large number of woods can undoubtedly be given a new layer of acrylic paint, only if you follow proper guidelines to paint on wood – you will achieve proper texture. 

To this end acrylic paint has turned into an extraordinarily well known decision for an assortment of wood creations. This is on the grounds that they are promptly accessible at most stores, so there is a compelling reason to make a beeline for an exceptional expressions and specialties outlet. 

The non-harmful ingredients imply that it is perfect for indoor use. It is an incredible choice for kids who are figuring out how to paint with more extravagant varieties. It is prescribed to prime any surface prior to applying a layer of acrylic paint to accomplish the best outcomes.

An assortment of potential wood paint tasks can be attempted, and these reach from utilitarian ventures, for example, furniture or wooden plate or you could decide on something more tasteful. One way or the other, there are various undertakings that require painting on wood.

acrylic paint on wood

The most awesome aspect of painting on wood is that wood is a very reasonable material, particularly when contrasted with material. It likewise gives a sturdier surface and this really intends that there won’t be any breaking during the drying system – except if the wood has been harmed.

An appropriately pre-arranged wooden surface will give you a smooth surface, which is ideally suited for applying acrylic paint. if you painting object is small or medium size then you can also bake them in oven after applying acrylic paint for faster drying without any smudging.

There are a couple of inconveniences with regards to utilizing acrylic paint on wood specialties and furniture. This is on the grounds that wood is altogether heavier than material and it will require legitimate arrangement prior to painting. Inability to do so will bring about an abbreviated life expectancy or staining of the wood, for this reason fixing or preparing is essential.

It is likewise hard to approach wood pieces if you are new to the art and doing this mistakenly will bring about twisting. It is likewise more challenging to balance wood than what it is contrasted with a material piece; nonetheless, this shouldn’t deter you from making an acrylic paint on wood workmanship piece.

While it’s feasible to paint on wood immediately, there are a couple of steps that we prescribe to take your craftsmanship to a higher level, guaranteeing a neater and longer-enduring completion. 

This article will take you through a complete guide on how to paint on wood with acrylic. 

  • Sanding the Wood/Prepping the Wood Before Painting

Fine-coarseness sandpaper is suggested for sanding and this is normally between 140 to 180 in its coarseness. When this step has been finished, wipe the outside to dispose of the entirety of the soil and residue.

The thumb rule is to sand with the wood grain on the grounds that sanding with the grain will probably bring out scratches and will make the surface of the wood smooth. Just imagine that your wood has a very velvety and smooth texture. The more your sand the wood, the better your surface will be. 

If the wood that you have purchased is completely smooth, you still need to sand it. While cleaning the residue, utilize a fabric or a tack cloth. These are exceptionally made materials that are intended to eliminate soil and residue. These will be found close to the sandpaper in a home improvement shop.


  • Apply a groundwork

This step frequently goes awry with regards to painting on wood. While applying acrylic paint on wood without preliminary, your task is probably not going to turn out in the ideal manner. Applying a slim layer of wood groundwork will assist with fixing the wood, permitting the acrylic paint to apply simpler.

At the point when a layer of preliminary is applied, lighter tones will likewise show up more energetic. Permit the groundwork to dry completely prior to continuing. If you are searching for an even smoother surface, rehash the method involved with sanding and preparing until you arrive at your ideal surface. The smoother the better!

  • Adding a foundation

It’s great to begin with a base layer. Select your preferred shade as your experience tone, and add a limited quantity onto a range of surface. Kindly note that acrylic paint dries decently fast, so just spill out your experience tone at this stage. You can utilize any kind of acrylic you like for painting on wood. Investigate our splendid scope of acrylic paints over the internet if you are searching for some.

Utilize a wide, level paintbrush to apply the paint to the wood. Permit the paint to dry prior to applying a subsequent coat, and afterward paint the back if you wish. Most acrylic paints will require about 20 minutes to dry. Nonetheless, this will change contingent upon the brand of paint you utilize and how thick the layers are.

  • Adding subtleties and intricate features

When your experience layer is dry, now is the right time to get onto adding the subtleties. Utilize a delicate brush of your decision to do this, and be cautious while applying the acrylic. Guarantee that you are dunking your paintbrush into water frequently to keep the fibers spotless and delicate.

It is as yet critical to do this regardless of whether you are utilizing just a single tone. Whenever you have finished your work of art, permit it to totally dry.

  • Apply a sealant

Applying a sealant is significant as it will safeguard your work of art from stripping or chipping. Sealers are in many forms and varieties, so select one of your decisions. You can look over a scope of sealants which gets work done with, including matte, gleam, silk and some more.

It depends on you whether you decide to utilize either a splash-on or brush-on sealer – every application is different however the outcomes are something very similar. You really should follow the appropriate strides for how to seal acrylic paint on wood.

Apply a flimsy coat and permit to dry. Presto! You have gotten done and fixed acrylic craftsmanship on wood. These look perfect as inside decorations or just as they are.

wood sealing

Can Quality Acrylic Paint Work on Wood which is Stained?

Indeed, however there are different significant elements that should be considered to create a great work. These elements incorporate the accompanying:

  • The kind of color that has been applied to the wood
  • The condition of the wood that will be painted
  • The sort of wood object that will be painted

The specific strategy that we have referenced above ought to be followed, so careful wood readiness, sanding, and cleaning are imperative to deliver a decent undertaking. The state of the wood will uncover the degree of sanding that is required. 

There are specific colors that give the wooden surface a reflexive appearance, and this should be eliminated by sanding if you wish for the paint to adhere to the outside. Harsh regions should be streamlined regardless of whether the stains have a smooth completion.

wood staining

It is really smart to apply groundwork, particularly if the wood has been covered with a dim color. The preliminary will give a superior surface to paint and the variety that you pick will be more appealing on a surface that has been prepared. 

A dull stain will influence the shade of the paint, paying little heed to the number of coats that are added. Assuming you are uncertain of the kind of preliminary that you would have to utilize then you ought to ask a store paint proficient. Make certain to specify the sort of paint that you are intending to utilize and the stain that should be covered. checkout how to remove stains from wooden deck area.

Painting on Wood

Does acrylic paint work on wood? Indeed, however there are a couple of variables that should be thought about while applying acrylic paint on wood.

A great brush is required, so don’t attempt to purchase the least expensive choice. There are a lot of various sorts of brushes; in any case, every one of them is not made similarly. The better the quality, the more they will endure, and that you will simply deal with them.

Modest brushes will leave hairs in your paint, and these are normally the brushes that have hard manufactured bristles. These will leave brush strokes in your paint, so it will be smarter to get delicate haired brushes that can hold a considerable lot of paint. The paint that you use is likewise a significant component to consider.

Just beginning to canvas the wood once the preliminary is totally dry. While plunging your brush, don’t go as far as possible up to the ferrule, the center of the brush ought to be the ideal sum.

A lot of paint on the brush will be hard to apply, so rather go after more paint if you really want it. Bigger surfaces will require a bigger brush. However you can likewise utilize a roller assuming that you feel that it is required.

Add a layer of sealant whenever you have completed your undertaking. Applying a sealant isn’t generally essential; be that as it may, assuming you wish to expand the life expectancy of your wood piece, we would emphatically suggest it. A sealant will shield the paint from being damaged and it can forestall stripping. It is likewise more straightforward to keep a wood piece that has been fixed.

An assortment of brush-on sealers or clear acrylic shower sealant can likewise be utilized. If this is an outside workmanship piece, utilizing a couple of layers of varnish is ideal. In any case, permit each layer to completely dry prior to applying the following coat.

painting on wood

FAQs – 

Is it easy to use acrylic paint on wood?

Yes, it is very easy to use acrylic paints on wood. But, at the same time, you need to prep the surface of your wooden block before you begin painting. 

Do I need to seal the paint on wood?

If you will not use any sealant after painting wood with acrylic paints, then gradually with time, your paint might begin to crack and peel. Hence, it is very important to use a good quality sealer after painting. 

What do you seal your acrylic paint with?

The best way to seal your painting on wood is to use a varnish. You can use acrylic polymer or resin varnish available in all leading hardware stores. 

Is sealer from mod podge good quality one?

Yes, this is the best quality sealer that you can use on any acrylic painting. It can also be used as a type of glue to stick paper and other similar type of porous materials like wood and fabric. 

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