How to make air dry clay dry faster

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In contrast to polymer clay, air-dry clay may be cured without needing an oven or quality kiln. This makes it a more environmentally friendly option. Because it enables more versatile clay manipulation, it is a well-liked choice among artists and individuals who work in the craft industry.

The drying process for air-dry clay typically takes several days, although the amount of time required is proportional to the thickness of the sculpture. During this period, allowing the clay to come into contact with moisture may lead it to become pliable and lose its shape.

Using a drying rack or another drying apparatus may help increase the speed up the drying process, which is why some painters choose to do so. When the clay has thoroughly dried, it will become solid and sturdy, making it an excellent choice for things that will ultimately need careful handling.

How-to-Make-Air-Dry-Clay-Dry-Faster in oven

How to Make Air Dry Clay Dry Faster?

There are five strategies to accelerate the drying of air-dry clay:

  1. After preheating the oven to 200 degrees Fahrenheit and preheating the oven for 15 minutes, bake the clay. This will help remove moisture from the clay and hasten the drying process.
  2. The clay may also be placed in a desiccant chamber or dehydrator. This will accelerate the drying process by absorbing the clay’s moisture.
  3. You may use a low-temperature hairdryer, but be careful not to hold it too close to your object, should it break.
  4. Dehydrators may be used. A dehydrator may expedite its drying by circulating warm air over the clay. Consequently, the clay will harden more quickly, which may be incredibly handy if you need to finish a task quickly. Ensure the dehydrator is set to a low temperature to avoid the clay from being damaged or changing colour.
  5. Utilizing a desiccant chamber is possible. Desiccant chambers are available in various designs; pick the one that best meets your needs. Using a desiccant chamber, you may easily and quickly dry clay, accelerating the creation process.

At this point, you may let the clay dry naturally in a well-ventilated place. This is a straight forward task approach, although it may take more time.

How to color air dry clay: process simplified with easy methods

How long does air-dry clay take to dry?

The time it takes for air-dry clay to completely dry may be affected by various variables. The clay layer is one factor. Thinner clay will dry more quickly than thicker clay. It is also essential to account for the temperature and relative humidity of the drying environment. The clay will cure more rapidly in a warm, dry environment than in a cool, moist one.

In addition, the time required for drying will be influenced by the ventilation in the region. When left exposed to air, most types of air-dry clay will be dehydrated within two to four days. The quality of the clay can only be maintained via regular testing. If you need a solution in less than 24 hours, consider utilizing modelling clay.

Air-dried clay is more likely to shrink and break before baking. You should refrain from using this tactic if at all feasible. If you need to speed up the drying process, a dehydrator or desiccant chamber may be used to store the clay. The drying process may be accelerated, and moisture removed using these techniques without damaging the clay.

However, drying time is affected by a few elements that must be considered.

easy-clay-ornaments kept for drying

Warm Atmosphere

When exposed to dry air, modelling clay dries up more quickly. If the clay dries too quickly, though, it increases the likelihood that it may crack. To hasten the drying process, you may cover the craft lightly with cling film or a moist cloth if the temperature is too hot inside or outside.

Situations that are always humid

If the humidity level where you live or work is high, your air-drying clay item may take longer to dry. Making crafts using air-drying clay will be challenging if you live in a quite humid area. You can be asked to “assist” with the clay drying process. For drying purposes, refer to the sections given below.

Wide-ranging perspective

Clay with a higher moisture content will dry more slowly. Thus, large sculptures need the most time to dry it out. However, if you build artifacts in layers, you can lessen the likelihood of cracks appearing.


Drying will be slowed if the sides are in touch with a simple surface, wrapped in plastic, or placed in a quality bowl. The operation will gradually take longer because of the trapped moisture. Baking your clay creation on a cooling rack or regularly turning the item will increase airflow and hasten the process.


The level of water in the clay significantly impacts how long it takes to dry. Using a lot of water can decrease the drying process, weaken the sculpture, and make it more likely to break.

Is microwaving possible with air-dry clay?

You shouldn’t put air-dry clay at normal room temperature in the microwave since it might become too hot and burn you. If you need to deal with the clay after it has been kept for some time, you may heat it in either a conventional oven or a dehydrator.

The temperature and the spread of the clay heating will be considerably easier to manage due to this change. If the clay is heated to temperatures over its melting point, it might burn or melt in the microwave. As a result, it is strongly advised that this approach never be put into practice at all.

A common mistake is not waiting for air-dried clay to be dehydrated before baking it or using another method to dry it. Because of this, the clay might crack or deform as a result. Another typical mistake is not preheating the oven to the appropriate temperature before baking the clay.

Because of this, the clay might crack or deform as a result. In conclusion, individuals sometimes heat air-dry clay in the microwave, which might cause the clay to catch fire or melt. As a result, it is strongly suggested that this approach be removed at all possible costs instead you can use low powered heat gun evenly across the item on all sides inside out to dry out your clay items, use it very carefully at low to medium heat as it might break your item if not used wisely or directly at high heat on one spot.

air dry clay ornaments post drying ready for painting

How to speed up the drying process for air-dry clay without using an oven.

A few things may be done to speed up the drying process of air-dry clay without resorting to an oven. A dehydrator or desiccator may be used to dry the clay. The moisture in the clay will be sucked out by the paper, speeding up the drying process. Alternatively, you may let the clay air-dry in a well-ventilated place.

This is a straightforward task approach, although it may take more time. Additionally, you may use a low-heat hairdryer to speed up the drying process. Avoiding the hairdryer too near the clay will keep it from warping or breaking.

How to prevent air-dry clay from breaking when drying?

Clay may be air-dried in a variety of ways that will keep it intact. Having the clay air-dry in a well-ventilated space is one option. This is a straightforward task approach, although it may take more time. A dehydrator or desiccator may also be used to dry the clay.

The moisture in the clay will be sucked out by the paper, speeding up the drying process. Additionally, you may use a low-heat hairdryer to speed up the drying process.

Avoiding the hairdryer too near the clay will keep it from warping or breaking. The most important thing is not to hurry to the last stages of the procedure and to take your time. Ninety per cent of the damaged parts are caused by hasty makers impatient for their product to dry.

It’s counterproductive to throw away everything you’ve worked on because you may need it someday. Alternatively, you might choose to produce many things concurrently and set up a drying cycle.

How to check if the Air-Dry Clay is Dry?

Three simple tests will tell you whether your air modelling clay creation is ready to be used.

Put it to the colour test.

Your clay’s colour will lighten as its water content evaporates. It is most apparent in terracotta or in grey, or black clays but may also be observed in white air-dried clay. If, after drying, your clay object has a uniform colour that is paler than the normal original, it is ready to be used.

Check for safety

Moisture in the clay evaporates when exposed to air, leaving behind porous clay. It’s possible to touch it with your all fingers and hear quite a hollow sound as if it were empty.

Nail test

We conduct one more test before we sand, paint, and seal my clay sculptures. When it’s entirely dried, the upper layer will occasionally become lighter, and there won’t be any darker spots. In thicker vessels, though, the core isn’t always fully cured.

Polymer Clay vs Air-Dry Clay

Polymer clay is a modelling clay composed of various polymers. The colours of polymer clay may be mixed to produce new tones, and the material is offered in multiple colour options. “Air-dry clay” is the name given to modelling clay that dries out very rapidly when exposed to air. After it has dried, air-dry clay may be painted, although, unlike polymer clay, it does not come in as many different colours.

Because it can’t be baked to become more durable as polymer clay can, air-dry clay has a more limited range of applications than its more versatile counterpart. In contrast to air-dry clay, polymer clay may be drilled and sanded after it has been baked. Air-dry clay cannot.

Compared with polymer clay, air-dry clay is less expensive and does not require the use of any specialized equipment to be worked with. Clay that has been allowed to air-dry has a longer lifespan and is less likely to crack than polymer clay.

Air-dry clay is an excellent option if you are looking for a kind of clay that can be worked with without needing any specialized equipment or methods. If you require clay that can be used to construct more complicated crafts, polymer clay is a great choice to consider purchasing.



It is abundantly evident that any apparatus, such as a hairdryer, an oven, a dehydrator, or a desiccant chamber, may be used to hasten the drying process of air-dry clay. If you cannot wait the 24-48 hours recommended for natural drying, the latter two methods are the only ones we recommend employing.

Doing things in this manner is the most efficient approach to cut down on wasted time while ensuring that the quality of your product is not compromised.


  • Can you use a hairdryer to dry Air-Dry Clay?

Never use a hairdryer to hasten the drying process of clay pieces that are air drying. The outer layer shrinks and dries more quickly in certain spots due to the intensely heated airflow produced by a blow dryer. The clay won’t dry evenly even if you move the hairdryer continually. Fractures or breakage will result from uneven drying.

  • Can you dry Air-Dry clay in your oven?

Air dry clay, as opposed to polymer clay or ceramic clay, self-hardens without using an oven or kiln. Some artists recommend baking their works made using air modelling clay.

  • Can you dry air-dry clay in the microwave?

Food cooks in microwaves much too quickly. Placing air-dry clay in the microwave will likely result in your work cracking and disintegrating since it cannot sustain high heat. To find some tips to prevent from cracking of air dry you need to read my post on the same topic written by me.

  • Can you air-dry clay in the sunlight?

Never expose your air-hardening clay to direct sunlight to hasten the drying process. It will heat one side of your creation like a hairdryer and speed up the drying of the outer layer, causing fissures.

  • Can you use a heat gun to harden air-dry clay?

Like the other methods mentioned above, air hardening clay cannot resist the hot air flow of a heat gun. It almost likely results in fractures or fissures.

  • Why should you not increase the rate at which air-dry clay dries?

Your sculptures made of air-hardening clay are more likely to fracture and shatter if you try to hasten the drying process. Nothing is more depressing than seeing all of your hard work destroyed

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