How to get acrylic paint out of clothes
Paint that is acrylic and based on water dries quickly, allows for easy layering, and is safe to use around both children and animals. This makes it popular among both professionals and amateurs. It is hard to prevent paint from going on everything other than the canvas while dealing with youngsters. sometimes the canvas also get wrong strokes or paint drippings which can spoil it so to remove acrylic from canvas you can read our post on the same topic.
Acquiring the knowledge necessary to remove stains caused by acrylic paint on garments might not only salvage a productive day of painting but also a treasured article of clothing.
Acrylic paint is a flexible medium, from an essential coat of paint to a more complex mural or craft project. Acrylic paint can be used for anything from a simple coat of paint to an elaborate mural or craft project. Water may be used to clean up paint mishaps and equipment, but it can leave stains behind if it gets on your clothing.
If you detect the spill in time, it should not be difficult to wipe up most of it. This article details the procedures that must be followed to successfully remove acrylic paint from cloth.
How to Save your Belongings from Acrylic Paint Spills
When you get acrylic paint on your sofa, your clothing, or your hardwood floor, it could seem like a catastrophe waiting to happen if you work with acrylics daily (whether as an artist, a decorator, or a hobbyist), you’ve undoubtedly already come into this problem at some point.
You have almost definitely also searched the internet for information on successfully removing acrylic paint from various surfaces. You can get rid of the acrylic before the paint dries in several different ways, but if you’ve previously tried those methods and they didn’t work, or if you’re looking for more effective options, here they are:
The Need for Quick Action
Paint will leave a mark on whatever surface it comes into contact with, including fabric, carpet, upholstery, and even hardwood floors, so you need to read about removing acrylics from wood to keep it without unwanted stains. The most crucial factor is how quickly something can be done. It would help if you began by picking up the shards, and after that, you may use water to wash away the remaining debris.
First, you will need to wipe the dirt off all of the surfaces, and then you will need to use water to clean any residue still on the softer surfaces. First, use a knife or any other item with a flat surface to scrape the remaining filth off the hard surfaces, then wipe everything down with water.
If there is any trace of paint that is still visible after giving the stain a good soaking with water, you will need to repeat the operation until the stain is gone.
Because acrylic paint dries rapidly, the most straightforward strategy is to eliminate the stain while the paint is still wet. The stain will become permanent if the paint is allowed to cure after it has been applied. Acrylic paint consists of only active pigments when wet and suspended in a water-soluble polymer solution.
As soon as the paint has had time to dry, it becomes more resistant to water, which makes it far more difficult, if not impossible, to remove the stain altogether.
Consequently, you may wonder how to remove acrylic paint after it has dried.
Technique for Removing Wet Paint from Clothes
How can I remove acrylic paint from the clothing that I’ve worn? You must work quickly to remove the acrylic paint before it dries. Time is of importance. Consequently, whether you are painting or doing the laundry, you should keep a close check on your clothing and remove any paint stains as soon as possible.
Let’s look at several methods for removing acrylic paint from textiles. The most effective method for removing paint is soap and water at a warm temperature. Mix one part liquid soap and one part warm water, starting with a small quantity of the mixture.
A saturated sponge should apply the water and soap combination to the fault in the paint. Continue doing this until the paint begins to peel off.
Put the item of clothing in the washing machine after applying a small quantity of stain remover directly on the spot.
It’s possible that your clothes won’t be damaged if you wait until the paint is completely dry. For this situation, you can:
- Who knew that hairspray could be so valuable in getting rid of stains? It may be sprayed directly over the afflicted area to hydrate it thoroughly. You may then clean the stain until it is gone. When you’re done, please give it a quick rinse and throw it in the washing machine.
- Nail polish remover: The same is used to that in hairspray. Use a cotton ball or the wet edge of a washcloth to dab it on the stain. Leave it in place for a few minutes while the acetone breaks it down for best results. Try scraping off the dry sections when they are loose, and then wipe them clean. Rinse the acetone off with water before washing.
Remove Acrylic Paint from Clothing by Hand
The key to successfully removing acrylic paint from clothes is to act quickly, regardless of your chosen method. If you respond quickly enough, you have a better chance of successfully removing a stain from your garment.
If you want to get rid of a stain, use one of these products, but first, read the directions. You may scrape the excess paint from your clothing using a knife, spoon, or another flat device. Then, while the paint is still wet, softly wipe the painted area with a paper towel to soak up as much paint as possible. Getting rid of as much paint as possible as fast as possible is the key to your success.
For the paper towel method to be effective, the paint must be still wet and as much of it needs to be removed. Remember to pat the painted surface rather than rub it. This method may quickly scrap any paint that hasn’t wholly permeated the material.
To make matters worse, rubbing will cause the paint to go even deeper into the material, making it impossible to remove. When you have successfully washed out all traces of paint from your clothes, you may proceed with any of the methods described below. and if you are interested in removing paint smell from your surroundings then this guide is for you.
Isopropyl Alcohol to remove dried Acrylic Paint
- Don’t be stingy with the Isopropyl alcohol; thoroughly saturate the soiled area with it.
- Try scraping or pulling the paint off your clothing using a flat tool, such as a coin or fingernail. Aim to scrape in a back-and-forth motion in the direction of the weave. Before moving into the next stage, try scraping as much paint as possible.
- Load them into the washing machine to wash your clothes and choose the appropriate cycle. Wash the item, as usual, using your preferred detergent to see whether the paint stain comes off.
- In most cases, this method will be sufficient to eradicate the paint stain, but if the problem remains, you may try it again.
Vinegar and Ammonia to remove dried Acrylic Paint
If you don’t have any isopropyl alcohol on hand, or if your garments include triacetate or acetate, you may use a mixture of vinegar, ammonia, and a bit of salt.
- Once the paint has been set, scrape out as much of it as you can using a spoon, knife, or fingernail.
- Please put it in a bowl of cold water for a while.
- Then, mix 1 part white vinegar, 1 part ammonia, and a pinch of salt.
- Take the garments out of the water and dry them by squeezing them.
- Dab the troublesome paint spot with a clean sponge dampened with a little quantity of the vinegar and ammonia combination.
- If necessary, rinse the garments again and repeat the process.
- Make sure the paint stain has been removed before drying the item.
Dish Wash Liquid to remove dried Acrylic Paint
- Rinse the stained area of your garment under warm running water while turning the item inside out to remove as much paint as possible from the fabric.
- Mix a drop of dish soap into a cup of hot water. Due to the widespread availability of dish soap, this is a simple task.
- Avoid handling the stain with your bare hands; instead, soak a clean sponge or cloth in the solution and firmly wipe the paint spill. Do your best to scrape off as much paint as possible with your fingernails.
- After cleaning the damaged area with water, check to see whether the stain has been removed. It’s essential to repeat the steps whenever they’re required.
- Wash the garments as you usually would, then check to see whether the paint stain is gone after drying them in the dryer.
Hairspray or Window Cleaner remove dried Acrylic Paint.
- Do not massage the affected area with a paper towel if the paint is still wet.
- On a sponge or clean cloth, spritz some hairspray or window cleaner. Carefully soak the sprayed area with nail paint remover or acetone, taking special care not to use too much of either since acetone may disintegrate synthetic materials.
- Before cleaning with the cloth, scratch out as much of the paint stain as you can with your fingernails or a knife. Then, rub the paint stain with the soaked sponge or cloth using the up-and-down motion. Because of the risk of spreading the stain, you should avoid being too rough.
- To avoid the chemicals damaging the fabric, you should wash the garments as soon as possible. Drying the garment in a hot dryer should remove the paint stain.
Using Acetone to Remove Paint Stains
The best way to get rid of paint smudges is using acetone. On the other hand, unlike the other cleaners, it may damage man-made materials. Cleaning utilising this kind of substance is not recommended for clothes, but it may be done on nonporous surfaces like metal, glass, and the like.
It is also extensively used in inaccessible areas that need frequent maintenance yet are challenging to clean. It is a very flammable and pungent odour, so handle with care. Acetone is often used with fibreglass resins. You may clean the airbrush by soaking the nozzles in acetone, which will dissolve the dried paint. You may get them in metal tins at any store selling paint, hardware, or home improvement supplies.
How to Clean Acrylic Paint from Carpet and Furniture.
How can you remove acrylic paint from carpeting or wooden furniture if you can’t throw it in the washing machine?
Some suggestions are as follows:
- To get rid of the surplus paint, use a knife, scraper, or other flat, hard implement.
- Fill a large basin, bucket, or anything else that can hold a dish towel or washcloth with lukewarm water. Cold water might set the paint stain, so use hot water if possible.
- After that, start foaming the water by adding dish soap, laundry detergent, or a bar of soap.
- Do not rub the paint stain because you risk spreading it or making it sink deeper into the cloth. Instead, gently blot the stain with a towel dipped in soapy water. Repeat as required after each cleaning.
- Repeat this process until the paint is completely removed and clean rinse water.
Is It Possible to Wash Out Dry Acrylic Paint?
Because of their water-based nature, acrylic paints may be easily washed away. Moistening the paint with a few drops of warm water might make it simpler to remove the stain. If you want to get rid of dried acrylic paint from your clothes, this is the best method.
Can you use vinegar to wash off acrylic paint?
Vinegar is a great, cheap, and accessible surface cleaner for painting over. Vinegar is safe and environmentally friendly since it contains no harmful chemicals. Vinegar is also very effective in dissolving sticky paint from most surfaces.
Can a used Toothbrush be used to scrub off paint stains?
A toothbrush could remove paint stains on clothes, but if the bristles are too soft, it might not be very effective.

Being associated with art and craft field since decades as a hobbyist and life long learner has given me an opportunity to learn many new things related to art, craft, paints and pottery which i am trying to share with your guys on this website. I have expertise of being professional painter and potter for the last 20+ years
I have learned mind blowing cool tips and insights which makes me a person with ability to improvise and come up with creative ideas and solutions to make stunning and impeccable art pieces of all types which are adored by people across the globe on this website and other platform.