How to remove hot glue

Don’t worry if you have created a mess while working with a hot glue gun. With little patience and effort, you can get rid of it.

You may know that, but often glue gun is considered a versatile gun that sticks together two different items. Its sticky effect has massive strength; however, the same can be frustrating if an individual may try to remove the dried glue part.

Irrespective of the situations like when a person accidentally drips glue on the clothes or a kid has created a mess on the kitchen table while displaying his artistic skills, there are a few solutions which will surely help you to get rid of a hot glue gun. It takes very less time to get it done.

Removal of hot glue easily

Read forward to our article, in which we will explain how an individual can remove a hot glue gun from different surfaces without creating any mess or facing any issues.

Fabrics: Remove Hot Glue

As hot glue is put on the surfaces in their melting state, it starts to wrap around the fabric before drying. Many artists suggest that hot glue is perfect for crafting  and many different fabric related items with glue including kids cloths, wall hangings etc. but not an ideal process to remove dry glue. If you made a mistake while preparing the fabric or dripped a single drop of glue on your clothes, there is an easy way to remove it quickly.


Step 1: Place the fabric inside the freezer for at least 30 minutes so it gets dried quickly. Dried glue becomes more breakable when it comes into contact with cold temperatures. When you want to begin the process of removing adhesive from fabric, first put it in the freezer; however, if it does not get fit into it. Then place a bucket and add some ice cubes along with the fabric.

Step 2: When the glue gets dried, remove it carefully using a butter knife or your fingers. When you check that a fabric has enough time to cool, put it on a hard surface so that the dried glue can be quickly removed. Then, remove it by using a butter knife or your finger carefully.

For challenging areas, we advise you to use a butter knife rather than your finger and while working with the knife, make sure that there is enough space between your fingers, fabric, and silverware, so your fabric and finger don’t get affected by the same. Always stay cautious, so you do not make any holes in the material or hurt your fingers.

Step 3: Quickly wash the left sticky glue on your fabric. Once you are done with the scrapping, the leftover area becomes sticky. Either throw the material in the laundry or clean that area through hand wash.

However, if that sticky part becomes complicated to remove, use detergent and wait for some time before going for the laundry. Also, do not directly put that fabric in the dryer; ensure that the sticky part is gone. Otherwise, if it sticks on your fabric, it becomes permanent when it goes in the dryer through high heat.

Remove glue from hard surfaces

The primary purpose of hot glue is to bind two things together; however, it might be impossible to detach them once the sealant gets dried. There are probabilities that accidentally, you may spill hot glue on the table that ends up sticking two to three surfaces together, or you may improperly attach two different items.

Though it seems complicated to detach the glue, we bring out some essential points for you, making your job easier. its also quite popular with kids to make many different creative art and craft work items in home in young ages which can lead to spills here and there due to carelessness

Removing_Hot_Glue from hard surfaces

Step 1: use isopropyl alcohol paint on the surface. You may know this, but rubbing alcohol solution on the glue surface helps you remove the sticky area and dry the glue quickly. More percentage of alcohol shows an immediate effect on removing the residue; however, it works with 70% of items.

To start the process, dip cotton or paintbrush in alcohol and apply it in the area where hot glue was applied or dripped. Apply it to the entire region, and the excess alcohol evaporates quickly. But be cautious as too much application of alcohol may cause discolor on the surfaces. This method is also useful for cleaning dried paint brushes to enhance it lifespan.

Step 2: Carefully remove the glue using a butter knife or your fingers. When detaching two items, carefully remove the first item or object because eventually, the second will get separated on its own. After that, remove the dry glue from the thing with your finger and scrap the remaining part with the help of a butter knife.

However, if it does not come easily, apply more alcohol to it and wait a few more minutes to remove the dry glue part.

Step 3: Use a wet cloth for wiping. When you are done detaching two different objects pasted together, wipe the surface of the object by using a damp cloth to remove the leftover portion of stickiness. Also, ensure that the thing is already dried before sticking it with another object.

The exact process is applicable for fabrics too. However, you are advised to test this process on a scrap fiber beforehand to ensure that it will not saturate the fabric color while applying it to the actual fabric.

Remove glue from rugs or carpets

As we discussed in the above paragraphs, that hot glue is difficult to remove when it is in the form of a melting state, especially on the fiber surfaces such as carpets or rugs. If, by any chance, you accidentally drip hot glue on the mats or carpet, then wait for a few days to let it dry rather than wiping it. as wiping hot glue on the carpet may only increase your problem. Therefore, it is best to let it dry for a few days, then begin your process of removing the hot glue.

How-to-Remove-Glue-from-Carpet rugs easily with simple steps

Step 1: Put a fabric piece on the glue. Before beginning this procedure, you must check that the hot glue is completely dried. Later, gently put the fabric scrap on the dry glue that covers the entire bond portion. Also, choose a fabric scrap that does not melt or burn under high heat. Choose cotton rags pieces and avoid fabrics like velvet or nylon.

Step 2: Apply the heated iron to a fabric. Heat your iron till it reaches medium-high heat. This is considered the right temperature to provide the required heat on the material without burning it. Do not back and forth your iron because it will only spread the glue on the entire carpet or rug.

Place the iron on the affected glue area and keep it there for a few minutes to provide enough heat so that the glue starts to melt down. Once it becomes melted, you can easily take it out.

Step 3: You are supposed to repeat the process until the glue gets stuck to the scrap fabric from the carpet or rug. You are supposed to follow this step to clean your carpet thoroughly. Even though you have completed step 2, there might be some sticky residue left on the mat that should be removed through the same step.

However, you must get a new scrap fabric to perform the repeated action, so the glue does not apply to other parts of the carpet. But keep in mind the point of not moving your heated iron back and forth. Instead, place it steady on the glue-affected area.

Step 4: Now, you can clean the carpet and wipe any left sticky or glue residue. Once you remove the dry glue from the carpet, slight glue residue may be left on your carpet or rug. You can clean your Capet as you usually do to remove this residue.

Also, you may try alcohol or refer to the second process method of alcohol, which effectively results in your carpet cleaning leftover glue residue. However, ensure testing beforehand so your carpet is not affected by the alcohol.

Final Verdict

Now you may have known that you do not need to get a lot of things to clean the glue residue or hot glue. Even shopping is not required for the cleaning process. These items are taken from everyday household stuff, which you can easily find in your home. But be cautious while handling any fabric; it is always recommended to do testing beforehand to avoid any damage.


  • Which item can quickly melt down or dissolve hot glue?

Alcohol is one of the solutions which is considered when removing hot glue from fabrics or hard surfaces. It immediately breaks down the strong glue bond that an individual can easily remove.

  • Does hot glue a permanent problem on hard surfaces or fabrics?

Unfortunately, hot glue is a permanent problem that stays forever, especially when it gets cool below its average melting point. It is considered the strongest bond promised by several brands. However, there are solutions to remove its permanent effects and make it temporary when it gets dripped or misused.

  • Can water remove hot glue?

Yes, water helps you to remove hot glue only when you use it in a particular manner. Such as, washing fabric with hot water can remove entire glue residue. Also, putting ice or freezing your material can remove the glue.

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